The Lord is first in everything. He reveals Himself. That’s how I know Him.
He reveals what I need to know, not what I want to know. I admit it; there are concerns I pray about, seeking God for answers, but I end up clueless. It is because I did not hear from God.
The first time I was asked to pray for a sick person, I was high in spirit. Seeing her in the hospital in a terrible condition broke my heart. Every time she groans in pain, she utters the name of Jesus. But she was not getting any better.
She is the wife of a pastor, so I presumed their church congregation had been fervently praying for her. Despite their prayers, her sickness seems to be getting worse. So I had settled in my mind that I must have faith in order to move mountains. Confident in my faith, I laid my hand praying over her, rebuking her sickness and boldly declaring that she would be healed.
After several days, I heard the sad news that she died. I was disheartened. Many questions raced through my mind.
I was certain that I prayed with much faith. I applied what Jesus said: if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17: 20
Determined to know what went wrong, I contemplated, processing in my mind what I had missed. I am sure I did not doubt my prayer for healing to manifest, so I reasoned that my faith should have moved the ‘mountain,’ but it didn’t. She should have been healed, but she died.
Then I heard a voice in my mind, “You did not ask Me if she will be healed and live or die in her sickness.”
That struck me. I was enlightened. It must be God’s voice speaking to me, revealing a profound principle of hearing from Him before making any leap of faith.
That was a game changer.
————-leo.e.m.calderon. aka s2warrior. 28mar2025